So as in my last reading haul, this time I have gobbled up quite a few books at once too. All of them concerning Finnish mythology and shamanism. Why? Because it interests me and I actually also might’ve started a blog about Finnish mythology and folklore, just for the fun of it. Feel free to go and take a look at it if you will. I publish at least one text a week there, it’s my precious little baby which I hope will some day grow to something even greater.

But without further ado, lets get into these books shall we?


BOOK: Luentoja suomalaisesta mytologiasta (Lectures on Finnish Mythology)
AUTHOR: M.A. Castrén
RATING: ★★★☆☆
EDITION: Finnish (2016)
LENGTH: 334 pages
TIME: around a week

The book is fascinating and still relevant to this day even though it was first published in Swedish in 1857. The problem with it is that Castrén based mostly all of his research on Kalevala, the Finnish national epic, which is not even nearly all there is to Finnish mythology. Therefore just the name of the book is misleading, it should be Lectures on Kalevala’s mythology.

Nevertheless, Castrén provides great etymologies and comparisons to other similar mythologies and myths around the world, which makes it a great reading experience. Even though sometimes the comparisons seem to take up more pages than the Finnish myths, so it’s a bit tricky at times. All in all, it sheds light onto Finnish mythology and is therefore quite worth a read in my opinion. Just bear in mind that these are mythologies taken mostly from the Kalevala.

mythologia_kansi_600BOOK: Mythologia Fennica
AUTHOR: Kristfrid Ganander
RATING: ★★★☆☆
EDITION: Finnish (1995)
LENGTH: 217 pages
TIME: a week

Originally published in Swedish in 1789, Mythologia Fennica set the base for the study of Finnish Mythology and it’s still considered as a founding stone for the research done today. It’s an encyclopedia, consisting of about 430 search terms about Finnish mythological creatures and words. As brilliant as it is, it also deserves some criticism for over 30 search terms are sámi mythology, 40 terms are historical events, 43 are Finnish place-names and about 8 are names of people, Finnish landowners and such. Mythologia Fennica is also a captive of its time in that many search terms are just the work of imagination of Ganander himself, or misconceptions due to the different principles of research inGanander’s times.

Should we blame the book for its many flaws then? Maybe? The principles for research have indeed changed a lot to this day and it’s quite clear that Mythologia Fennica would not pass the criteria to be published these days. The lack of proper sources, the misleading search terms and poorly checked poem sources. It’s full of mistakes! But nevertheless it’s important, as a historical milestone and as a research book. At least we can now read it with more knowledge and therefore spot the mistakes and not let them misguide us.



BOOK: Suomalaiset taruolennot (Finnish Mythical Creatures)
AUTHOR: Eero Ojanen
RATING: ★★☆☆☆
EDITION: Finnish (2017)
LENGTH: 153 pages
TIME: couple hours

In my last reading haul I rated Johan Egerkrans’ Nordiska Väser, Nordic mythical creatures, a beautifully illustrated yet informational book, and this I just had to buy for myself when I saw it in a bookstore. It’s quite similar to Egerkrans’ book, with the difference that the illustrations aren’t made by the writer but by very talented Sirkku Linnea.

First time reading through this I was just utterly fascinated by the drawings mostly but when I actually read about the mythical creatures introduced in the book things started to take the wrong track. The book makes many same mistakes as Ganander’s Mythologia Fennica, most likely because Mythologia Fennica was a source for this book, and that’s probably where my troubles with it come from.

It gives little to no new information about the creatures and might even give false information here and there, so my advice would be to read it critically. Two stars for the beautiful illustrations though!


BOOK: Mustakirja (Black Book)225full-mustakirja----vuonna-1862-löydetty-suomalainen-noitakirja-cover
AUTHOR: Aaprami Pöyrynen ?
RATING: ★★★★☆
EDITION: Finnish (2014)
LENGTH: 32 pages
TIME: 1-2hours

This is a true one-of-a-kind book, it’s highly likely that another will not be found. There is so much myths just surrounding the book itself that it just screams uniqueness.  The origins of the book itself are worthy of a story of their own if I may be honest. In 1862, Tuomas Taittonen moved to the town of Perho and soon found out that his neighbour was the “village crazy man”, 70-year-old Juha Kellokoski, who was known as the mightiest witch and healer of the area. Taittonen too heard the rumours that Kellokoski had gained his knowledge from the Black Book written by Aaprami Pöyrynen, which Kellokoski stored carefully in a chest in his home.

Taittonen’s interest towards the Black Book was apparently so huge that he persuadedKellokoski’s maid to steal the book. The theft however was noticed and led into a heated confrontation between Taittonen and Kellokoski. In the end, Taittonen indeed got the book for himself with one Finnish markka (markka was the currency in Finland before euro) and went on to send it to the Finnish Literature Society. For 46 years the book was lost in the mail, but finally got to the hands of the Finnish Literature Society in 1908. It was first published for everyone to read in 1909, and the newer edition was released in 2014.

Most of the text remains in its original written form, so it’s quite hard to decipher and I would definitely think that the sales of the book would benefit if there was an added guide or some research surrounding the book or I don’t know, something. If there was just something more than the alleged writings of old Aaprami Pöyrynen.


I actually just re-read this book because it’s been about a year since I finished it the first time and alas, most of it had escaped my memory. Odin’s Child is the first book of the Ravneringe-trilogy and I got the second volume as a Christmas gift from my father, so I thought it fitting to revive my memory a little before digging into the second book in the series. (The first book I also got from my dad actually.)

I’ve also had a hard time picking up books to read lately, and even harder time updating here about them. Darn, I even had to go and add another year to my age on my ‘about’ page here! But anyways, a few reviews of books I’ve read recently will be coming soon, first lets dig into this golden fantasy book!

This review contains spoilers (marked)

BOOK: Odininlapsi (no English edition available)
AUTHOR: Siri Pettersen
WON: Fabelprisen, 2014
RATING: ★★★★☆
LENGTH: 614 pages
TIME: a week

The book instantly drags you into the story on the first pages, jumping straight into action and deep into the storyline from the first chapters. It leaves you asking questions about what on earth these people are talking of when they talk of the Power, “Mahti” and who are they and what is going on, and it doesn’t grant instant answers but instead keeps you in its tight grip and gives a bit of insight here and a little more there.



I visited my home town over my super long Christmas vacation and one day I gobbled up a couple of amazing books about northern mythologies and viking history. I’m a huge viking and mythology nerd and this reading “haul” satisfied me for some while. So I’ll review four books instead of just one in this post!

I also got a ton of new books over Christmas, but I’ll update on those later. But I will say that my library is starting to come together as I’d like it to be. The books are taking over the place and I’m not complaining.



Okay I’m a little late with this, everyone has probably read this gorgeous piece of work by now, but listen, I had to read it twice to make sure that the love I feel for this book is real.

If you know me even just a tiny bit, there’s a 99,9% chance that you know I am very fascinated by all things concerning the Second World War, so as soon as I saw this book late last year, I grabbed the Finnish translation and gobbled it up in two days. However I do think something always gets lost in translation, so I bought the English version as soon as I saw it in a bookstore during my recent visit to UK.

This review does not contain spoilers.

BOOK: All The Light We Cannot See
AUTHOR: Anthony Doerr
WON: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2015
RATING: ★★★★★
LENGTH: 530 pages
TIME: a week

All The Light We Cannot See tells two separate stories, one of a French girl, Marie-Laure and the other of a German orphan, Werner, whose lives entwine during the German invasion in France. Not only does Doerr make an exceptional job at leading these two different stories, but he also excels at the art of making time jumps here and there in the novel. First the book gives a glimpse of where Werner and Marie-Laure are in 1944, but then goes back ten years to 1934 and tells the story from there, cutting to 1944 every now and then and eventually passing on all the way to 2014.



It took me quite a lot of time to read the last book in the trilogy, having been quite disappointed with the first and the second. (Also I read all that fan fiction which slowed me down and there was ice hockey and then I had to stop reading for a few days because I kept getting this song stuck in my head during that one love scene and it wasn’t too pleasant.)

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BOOK: Captive Prince: Volume Three / King’s Rising
SERIES: Captive Prince trilogy
AUTHOR: C.S. Pacat
RATING: ★★★★☆
LENGTH: 258 pages
TIME: 8 hours (divided in three weeks because I was lazy)

Yes, I know, amazon and other sellers say the book has 344 pages, but the font on my kindle edition was huge so I changed it to fit my preferences and the number of pages dropped. Also I did check that I have just the same amount of chapters and all as any other edition, so that’s that.

The second book ended in a splendid cliffhanger, where Damen’s real identity as Damianos, the crown prince and rightful heir to the throne of Akielos had been revealed to both the Veretian and the Akielon troops.



After reading the first book I knew I had to lower my expectations for the second book in the Captive Prince trilogy by C.S. Pacat, but I still managed to go through quite a rollercoaster of feelings whilst reading it.

Also I am confused by the names of the books in this series. Is it Captive Prince Book I, Book II and then out of the blue jumps King’s Rising as the third book? Or is it Captive Prince, Prince’s Gambit and King’s Rising, which would make more sense. Help me out if you know better, leave a comment, educate me.

This review includes spoilers (marked)

BOOK: Captive Prince: Volume Two / Prince’s Gambit
SERIES: Captive Prince trilogy
AUTHOR: C.S. Pacat
RATING: ★★★☆☆
LENGTH: 344 pages
TIME: 9 hours (divided in 4 days)

Now I would’ve given this 2½ stars if possible, but since not, I’m going to be generous and give it a three because you know what, I’m forgiving like that.

The book picks up from where the first book ended, with Damen leaving with Laurent’s men to border duty. It’s quite predictable that not everything is going to go as planned (I mean seriously, when do things go as planned, name one book I dare you) and they end up in both awkward and alarming situations from which they keep surviving from thanks to Laurent’s ability to outwit nearly anyone.

Plot-wise there was more going on in this second volume of the series than there was in the first one, which now seems more like 240 pages of prologue than a first volume to the series. The language didn’t get massively improved from the first book, which was to be expected. It would be quite radical to be able to change ones way to write in between two books only.



Alright so this one woke a lot of diverse feelings & thoughts, and I have to let them out. Just as a disclaimer, my opinions are my own and I do not intend to hurt or violate anyone with them. I am a very critical reader and therefore my opinions can be quite harsh every now and then. Also this is going to be quite a long post, so I apologise for that.

This review includes spoilers (marked)

BOOK: Captive Prince: Volume One
SERIES: Captive Prince trilogy
AUTHOR: C.S. Pacat
RATING: ★★☆☆☆
LENGTH: 240 pages
TIME: 7-8 hours (divided in 2 days)

I discovered this book through a friend via oh-so-glorious tumblr. I downloaded the whole trilogy and I will be reviewing all three books individually as I tackle them one by one.

I did some research on the author and the nature of the series. Apparently it started as a web series, so this alone sunk my expectations to be quite low. I know there are a lot of writers out there in the world wide web, writing fan fiction and such, who are truly amazing writers and by no means am I belittling their work, but since I have personally never read a brilliant piece of fan fiction/any other web series, to me the fact that a book has emerged to a paperback from the depths of the internet is not too good an omen. Also I will later on come back to discuss the fan fiction matter, so wait for that if you’re interested.

Anyway, knowing that the book was not written by a so-called “professional” author, I decided not to be too harsh when looking at grammar and the quality of language used. Mind you, English is not my first language so I really can’t judge too much (but still I do.)

The series takes place in a made-up fantasy world, where the crown prince of Akielos, Damianos, is given to the crown prince of Vere, Laurent, as a slave/a gift. His half brother usurps the throne and the story follows Damianos as he does his best to manage the tangles of political plotting and slavery in Vere, among people who’d probably kill him without a second thought if they knew his true identity.